A blog about music and pop culture coming from New York, NY. How original.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 15, 2008 7:13 PM.


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The CMJ Band Name Index 2008

The CMJ festival rolls into town next week. While we'll have some number of posts about shows during the week, one of the best parts of these big festivals is looking through the list of bands for trends in band naming.

Black dominates this category with 10 bands. White is a strong second with 5. Blue defeats Red for third place with 3 bands claiming allegiance. (OK, one band is both black and white and another is both red and blue.)

The number one threat to CMJ is bears! Or bands named after bears. 8 groups look to the bear for their names. Tigers have 4 band names. Various birds combine for 5 names. Horses, Apes and Whales also inspire multiple bands.

The king stays the king in the category



Ringo Starr

Other People

Girls are more popular than boys who are more popular than men who are more popular than women.

Geography and Places

Modern Clothes

The explanation point wins this category by a landslide!


So nice, they named it twice (or more)

Other Notably Entertaining Band Names

Who are you looking forward to seeing? Who is worth checking out? Who is skippable?



Don Juan Dracula from Norway!

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