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May 2010 Archives

May 19, 2010

119 Down, One to Go

Lost has always been a show that has posed far more questions than it has answered. The prior seasons have always pulled back the scale of the narrative rather than simply closing out a single story. Let's sit around the fire and discuss some very rough thoughts about the episode after the break...


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May 23, 2010

You All Everybody

Tonight's Lost-related festivities lack the amount of "Previously on Lost" rocking out as desired (that sold out incredibly quickly), so instead it kicked off here at BRR World HQ with a relatively Island-inspired dinner. (With less wild boar than a truly Island-inspired feast might have.)


Teriyaki marinated wild salmon with mango, onion, tomato and avocado. Served with asparagus, rice and salad. OK, salmon isn't all that Island-specific, but it paired nicely with the Dharma Initiative branded Merlot.

Watching the clip show, it's pretty clear that Lost is particularly unique in television history. Since having the most expensive pilot in broadcast television history, Lost is one of the last shows to film on 35mm film, rather than HD digital video, and may be the end of an era in large scale production for network television. Aside from The Simpsons, does any other show use a full orchestra score as much? Is anything else on broadcast as ambitious as Lost? On HBO and AMC, Breaking Bad, mad Men, Treme, as well as the forthcoming Boardwalk Empire and Game of Thrones may have comparable levels of ambition. But will any of these ever be as widely watched as Lost?

But what makes Lost so special is the breadth of the depth of the fandom. While it may not be the most watched show on television, it must be the most popular show that has such a high percentage of devoted fans.

After the jump, 10 Favorite Lost episodes (inspired by Todd VanDerWerff's ranking of all 110 episodes at the LA Times.

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May 24, 2010

Farewell, Craphole Island

Some brief thoughts on the series finale of Lost coming up just as soon as I re-read Cat's Cradle


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About May 2010

This page contains all entries posted to Buzz Rant & Rave in May 2010. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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