Maybe Things Aren't So Urgent After All...

August 3, 2004

You know, the last two days, after the latest terror alert arrived, I expected to see a substantially bigger police presence down near my job, considering I work about three blocks from the NY Stock Exchange. But so far, things seem pretty much as they usually are - there's a check point with a couple of guys ID'ing trucks and bring the dog around for a sniff - but I don't see the Delta Force cops (or whatever they're called) scoping out the area south of the stock exchange. Apparently things are more bulked up just north of the exchange on Wall Street itself. Still, one of the places I expected to see the most police - the subway that runs almost under the exchange itself, which I happen to ride each day - I didn't see a single cop.

Maybe they all knew about this before the story broke today:

Intel That Sparked Alert Dates to 2000

Posted by Krikor Daglian at August 3, 2004 12:58 PM

Hasn't the block around the NYSE been under a state of high security for nearly 3 years now?

Posted by: Andrew at August 3, 2004 1:08 PM

It has been, though not the police-with-machine-guns type of presence. I just figured I'd notice a difference.

Posted by: Krikor at August 3, 2004 1:26 PM
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