The pattern continues...

April 7, 2004

Another whistleblower takes the Bush administration to task:

Who is Jack Spadaro? He's a man who's devoted his life to the safety of miners and the safety of people who live near mines.

He's an engineer, who until recently was head of the National Mine Health and Safety Academy (MSHA), a branch of the Department of Labor, which trains mining inspectors.

But he lost that job last year, after he blew the whistle on what he called a whitewash by the Bush administration of an investigation into a major environmental disaster. Correspondent Bob Simon reports.

”I had never seen anything so corrupt and lawless in my entire career as what I saw regarding interference with a federal investigation of the most serious environmental disaster in the history of the Eastern United States,” says Spadaro.

“I've been in government since Richard Nixon. I've been through the Reagan administration, Carter and Clinton. I've never seen anything like this.”

What he's talking about is what he calls a government cover-up of an investigation into a disaster 25 times the size of the Exxon Valdez spill.

Full article here.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but has any other president had so many people involved in government, including people who worked directly with the president (like O'Neil and Clarke) come out and critcize him and his administration. So far we've seen whistleblowers or the equivilent decrying the administration's approach to anti-terrorism, Iraq (more than one person), the environment (more than one person), and budget calculations. Did I forget any? I just hope this evidence is mounting in people's minds.

Posted by Krikor Daglian at April 7, 2004 10:20 AM
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